Marching Orders for WIN Communications and Writers Information Network

Mission Statement: "Help me, O God, to do my best to help other people to accomplish and to achieve, knowing that their contribution is what God is trying to give the world." --from Florence Sims, 1873-1923, who started the YWCA. (Claimed for WIN, November 15, 2004)

Mandate: "Now go and write these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of times as a witness" (Isaiah 30:8 NLT).

Message: "The Lord gives the Word [of power]; the women who hear and publish [the news] are a great host" (Psalm 68:10-11 AMP).

Friday, July 31, 2015

THE JESUS AGENDA: Becoming An Agent of Redemption

"The Jesus Agenda is the vision for Christ’s ministry on earth as He outlined it in His first sermon recorded in the Gospel of Luke. Simply put, Jesus came to redeem the lost—not just for eternity in Heaven but from lives of darkness here on earth. This is the Jesus agenda - preaching good news to the poor, proclaiming freedom for the prisoners, recovering sight for the blind, releasing the oppressed, and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor. I believe every redeemed person—that is, every Christian—is called to become an agent of redemption. The Jesus agenda is not for the few. It is the responsibility and privilege of every believer."       
Dr. Albert Reyes
Finding Your Place in God’s Movement
Dr. Albert Reyes serves as the CEO of Buckner International, a global Christian ministry focused on serving vulnerable children, orphans, seniors, and their families.  In his new book, The Jesus Agenda, Reyes explores the blueprint for ministry laid out in Jesus’ first sermon recorded in the Gospel of Luke. The directions are clear. To be like Jesus, we must become, first and foremost, agents of redemption.  Jesus came to redeem the lost—not just secure their eternity in Heaven but deliver them from darkness here on earth.

“I used to think serving vulnerable children, orphans and seniors was not my job or within my scope of ministry. I guess I had not read my Bible very well,” Reyes recalls. “In my mindset, social ministry and evangelism were mutually exclusive. As I have grown as a follower of Jesus, I’ve come to realize that the practical impact of the gospel and the gospel message of salvation cannot be separated. It is two sides of the same coin. Personal faith in Jesus as your redeemer goes far beyond solving the spiritual problem we have with sin. This is the Jesus agenda - preaching good news to the poor, proclaiming freedom for the prisoners, recovering sight for the blind, releasing the oppressed, and proclaiming the year of the Lord’s favor. It is the ministry to which every Christian is called.”
The Jesus Agenda confronts western Christians living in relative prosperity and comfort with detailed accounts of the desperate circumstances plaguing “the least of these” around the world. What is God’s heart for the fatherless in the global village? What should our response be to the 60,000 unaccompanied and undocumented minors that came to our border in 2014 seeking a better life? How does an agent of redemption reconcile the reality of life in the West with life in the developing world when it comes to matters of faith and action?
“I want readers to prayerfully consider this question: How would your profession or vocational skills benefit the poor, those in prison, the physically challenged, and those who are oppressed in your community? “Reyes says. “You have been placed where you are for a reason. You have a role to play in someone’s redemption story.”
A Brief Q & A with Dr. Albert Reyes
Q: What inspired you to write The Jesus Agenda?
A: Looking back over my own ministry roles, from pastoring in economically depressed areas, to expanding educational opportunities to Hispanics, to heading a global relief ministry, the Lord sent me to places where I would have ample opportunity to preach good news to the poor, to help set captives free, to help people find healing, to reverse situations of oppression, and to introduce the hope of the Lord’s favor for their lives. I chose to write this book because I wanted to tell my story of redemption and encourage followers of Jesus to accept their commission as agents of redemption.
 I first delivered this challenge in 2005 as I addressed the Baptist General Convention of Texas, comprised of 5,500 churches and 23 institutions (universities, hospital systems, human welfare agencies, and other affiliated ministries). My year as President of Texas Baptists came to a close, but the message of the Jesus Agenda continued to stir my spirit.  Does the church that Jesus died for reflect the vision of His first sermon?
Today, I serve as President and CEO of Buckner International based in Dallas, Texas, a global multi-service ministry focused on making life better for vulnerable children, orphans, seniors and their families through redemptive transformation. Every day, I hear stories of redemption. I live with the conviction that I was blessed to bless others, saved to share with others, and redeemed for a purpose in God’s story of redemption.
Q: Describe the qualities of an “agent of redemption.”
A: An agent of redemption is a person of courage, compassion, and conviction on mission with Jesus to turn what was intended for harm into good. An agent of redemption has a personal calling to actively engage with people in his or her circle of influence to demonstrate a transformed life and to work, pray, and focus on the redemptive potential in everyone around him.  They look at their family, neighborhood, community, state, nation, and world to ask, “How could this place look more like the Kingdom of God - right here, right now?” Then they take action. This person lives life in view of eternity.
Dr. Reyes is available for interviews.
Please contact Diane Morrow

The Jesus Agenda
 by Dr. Albert Reyes
Believers Press/ May 2015
For more than 136 years, Buckner International has been transforming lives through hands-on ministry, serving the most vulnerable from the beginning to the ending of life. Buckner is one of the oldest and most unique faith-based social service organizations of its kind, serving people each year in the United States and worldwide.

Christian-Fiction Readers Buy, Read More Books

Christian-Fiction Readers Buy, Read More Books, Creating Bookstore Opportunities
ORLANDO, FLA. - Christian fiction readers read more than the national average and are more frequent book buyers, which creates a core customer opportunity for Christian stores.
Nearly 50% of Christian-fiction readers read more than 10 books annually; by comparison, only 36% of American adults read more than 10 books per year, according to a 2014 Pew Research study.
Christian Fiction Readers: Worthy Pursuing, Worth Keeping, a reader survey conducted through a cooperative effort of CBA, The Parable Group, The Baker Publishing Group, and American Christian Fiction Writers, supports that finding and adds that half of responding Christian fiction readers are purchasing more titles today than five years ago, but buying and reading behaviors have changed.
Trade paperbacks are still the most popular format for readers at 41% despite what some may presume is the age of digital dominance, with 28% of Christian fiction readers responding that they read on e-books or digital formats. Readers also choose mass-market paperbacks (16%) and hardcover (12%). Audio book preference was noted by 2% of respondents.
The reader survey showed that top sales drivers for Christian fiction are the story itself (94%), the desire to keep reading a story in a series (69%), recommendations about a book (68%), and author familiarity (89%). Those findings can inform retailers, publishers, authors, marketers, and all levels of the industry.
The top Christian fiction genres reported by surveyed readers were historical fiction (66%), romance (52%), contemporary (51%), romantic suspense (50%), suspense/thriller/legal thriller (47%), and mystery/espionage (45%), which also reveals that many Christian fiction readers read more than one genre.
The majority of Christian fiction readers responding (69%) also read general-market fiction. Of Christian fiction readers who read both types, about half said annual general-market purchases haven't changed over the past five years, but 36% said annual purchases have increased.
Nearly 80% of respondents shop at a local Christian store because they like the concept of a Christian store, appreciate its atmosphere, and like the selection. Respondents said they would purchase more books at a Christian store if prices were lower, book selection was better, or the store were more conveniently located.
David Lewis, Baker Publishing Group marketing and sales VP, said Christian-fiction readers are the most frequent book buyers and are heavily engaged in Christian stories. "Christian stores should not give these customers up. They are worth fighting for."
Cynthia Ruchti, an award-winning fiction author and American Christian Fiction Writers professional liaison, said fiction readers are real fans, but their interests range beyond just the most popular genres. "What matters to readers is the story itself," she said. "That suggests a broader selection of genres help create a destination in the store for fiction readers. It's important to understand the opportunity to present a broader appeal to fiction readers who are often going elsewhere to purchase books."
Randy Ross, The Parable Group marketing specialist involved in conducting the study said helping readers discover new authors and series is a key consideration in the age of e-books.  "Selection and knowledgeable staff are important issues to consider when building a fiction statement in the store."
Curtis Riskey, CBA president, said the fact that Christian fiction is read for entertainment doesn't lessen the value of Christian product. "Readers are looking for clean, faith-driven content that makes a difference in their lives. Christian retailers can help make that connection to great stories," he said.
The online survey received nearly 1500 responses with a confidence level in the responses at +/- 2.6%. The complete survey with more points of interest to the retail and publishing industries may be downloaded at
Jet Marketing of Grand Rapids, MI, produced the research, which was co-sponsored by the American Christian Fiction Writers, CBA, Baker Publishing Group, and The Parable Group.


Doable, Cost-Effective, Leading Edge…
Life Changing.

"We can bring the Gospel to a generation that is literally dying without it. An invasion of truth that interrupts the lives of people ages 15-25, in a venue they use every day. This unique strategy—to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all” by leveraging mainstream media and technology—is doable, cost-effective, and cutting edge. More importantly, it’s working."   
–Sean Dunn
Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX—Today’s young people suffer from unprecedented levels of depression, anxiety, pressure, loneliness, and desperation for approval. For many, one nagging question motivates every social media post, short-sighted decision, and attempt to self-harm: Does anyone really care about me?
At, teens and young adults from across the globe find comfort, guidance, and the answers they desperately seek.  An initiative of Groundwire, follows and expands the remarkably effective model that has touched millions of young viewers and listeners since 2006. Using a multi-pronged strategy, Groundwire leverages media and technology to meet the age 15-25 demographic exactly where they are — viewing, listening, texting, or chatting — and to invite them to voice their questions and struggles so they can find answers in the message of the Gospel. Young people listening to popular radio broadcasts or viewing favorite shows on networks like CW, MTV, VH1, Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim programming, and Comedy Central are interrupted by direct advertising spots that catch their attention, resonating with where they are today.
The initiative includes targeted, authentic, and well-produced commercials that grab the attention of young viewers and listeners by the millions. As they respond to the broadcast messages, they are invited to visit the website where they can chat with a live spiritual coach available day and night, as well as find a collection of resources such as podcasts by Groundwire’s founder and executive director, Sean Dunn, and daily devotionals.
“Statistics indicate that 86% of teens believe in God, but most don’t believe He is loving. Even fewer believe they are lovable. What if this generation truly understood and responded to God’s offer of hope, truth, and purpose?” Dunn asks.
Since 2006, Groundwire has interacted with broken and searching youth on thousands of live chats. Students are drawn to the honest dialogue about spiritual issues, often receiving Christ as their Savior as a result of the coaches’ ministry. Coaches then do their best to connect visitors to local churches and resources where they can continue to grow in their faith. looks to grow Groundwire’s reach in contemporary culture.
“Today’s younger generation hungers for a real and personal relationship with the Living God. And that really transcends culture. Unfortunately, a common misconception many older Christians have about young people is that they only desire interaction with others who are young like them and are products of the same culture,” Dunn says. “The truth is that this group is desperately in need of intergenerational connection. They crave it. The Jesus Cares initiative has already shown us that, when we make ourselves available to listen and respond, young people cling to that, and they are willing—even eager—to share their burdens and receive the Good News we offer.”
Hundreds of volunteers from around the world form a team that offers coaching 24 hours a day, and that number must increase alongside launches of the ministry in new locations. is seeking coaches of all ages and backgrounds to be available when young seekers respond to the TV and radio ads. is rapidly expanding, having arrived in Colorado Springs and Chicago during the first and second quarters of 2015. The initiative launched in South Bend, Indiana this summer and fundraising efforts are underway to support upcoming launches in Dallas, Tampa, and Denver this fall.
To bring JesusCares to your community or to sign up as a coach, go to


New Life. New Vision. New Hope.

Creating Flourishing Churches through Inspired Leadership
The most important mission of any Christian church, ministry or organization is to impact those in their sphere of influence for Christ - to see God’s kingdom life transforming individuals, families and communities for his glory.  Vital to that successful mission is the presence of inspired and effective leadership. According to Schwammlein, a ministry veteran himself, “Leadership is the one gift that allows all of the other gifts to flourish, yet because of their critical role, ministry leaders and their leadership teams are prime targets for burn-out, discouragement and “vision loss”, yielding men and women who are often merely going through the motions of daily service.”
An independent study commissioned by WCA following last year’s Summit, and conducted by Excellence in Giving based in Colorado Springs, quantitatively revealed that The Global Leadership Summit (TGLS) is having a significant impact in revitalizing leaders, clarifying vision, enhancing team communication and improving productivity and quality of work – yielding more effective ministry and enhanced community influence.

With a very reliable 3% margin of error and 99% confidence level, repeat participants reported 4 direct outcomes from attending TGLS.
Church Growth – 35% say that their organization has “grown larger because of leadership skills, vision, or inspiration received from attending the Summit.
Spiritual Revitalization – 1 out of 4 reported a revitalized personal relationship with God.
Community Impact – 54% cited concrete ways they were inspired to help their communities by 1) serving the poor 2) helping youth 3) comforting the hurting 4) education and 5) fighting injustice.
Energized Evangelism - 1 out of 4 reported that the Summit “inspired them to share the gospel in the past two years”. Actual results from those efforts were reported and divided into two categories:
  • Repeat participants who were inspired to share the gospel reported 38 first-time commitments to Christ on average
  • Repeat participants who were primarily church leaders reported 54 first-time commitments to Christ on average.
“The Global Leadership Summit has proven to catalyze the leader within each of us, to make us better leaders, and to unite us around a common vision,” states founder Bill Hybels. “We believe the local church is the hope of the world – when it is working right.  For churches to reach their full redemptive potential, they must be led well. It’s our prayer that the Summit will continue to inspire passionate leaders toward that end.”
August 6-7, 2015
Call 800-570-9812 for details
and registration assistance.

Notes: Writing to Encourage Others

Maybe you have bemoaned the so-called lost art of letter or note. Well don’t despair; there is still a place for the encouragers pen. Jennifer Dierking had always written notes but drifted away from the practice until a near fatal accident birthed the gift within her once more.
Jennifer sent a note to the singer/songwriter whose song sustained her while on a ventilator fighting for life, and in the painful weeks of rehabilitation that followed. God allowed the note to reach the songwriter at a time of crisis in his life, as he later shared with Jennifer.
His response to her caused the note writing spark to grow into a gleaming conviction of God’s purpose for her life. In fact, Jennifer describes her notes as,”equivalent to offering a cup of cold water to someone who may need it.”
She also believes notes are of inestimable value because “they satisfy a universal longing to be appreciated.”
This priceless treasury contains notes first of all to help us break away from excuses that keep us from using our written words to encourage others. Next, we are given a whole range of people to whom we may send a note and last, a writing prompt to help us figure out what to write. Notes: Writing to Encourage Others is a perfect example of God using all the gifts to build and bind his family together.

Mother, wife, freelance writer, editor, and consultant for the University of South Alabama’s Center for Healthy Communities, Jennifer Dierking resides in Mobile Alabama. Notes is a publication of Evergreen Press, Mobile Alabama.

Jennifer was interviewed at ICRS 2015 by WIN reporter Lauren E. Myers.