Marching Orders for WIN Communications and Writers Information Network

Mission Statement: "Help me, O God, to do my best to help other people to accomplish and to achieve, knowing that their contribution is what God is trying to give the world." --from Florence Sims, 1873-1923, who started the YWCA. (Claimed for WIN, November 15, 2004)

Mandate: "Now go and write these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of times as a witness" (Isaiah 30:8 NLT).

Message: "The Lord gives the Word [of power]; the women who hear and publish [the news] are a great host" (Psalm 68:10-11 AMP).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Spiritual Warfare -- Fact or Fantasy

"'Did the gun go off?' I asked myself. It hadn't. I could still feel the barrel in my hand. ...

"All of a sudden there is a mighty "swooping" sound as angels charge into the room.

"Immediately, a shapeless black glob, about three-feet tall popped up from the floor and the battle is on.

"Each time an angel swooped in, one of the black things pops up and they begin exchanging blows. ...

"The angels were hitting and going at it as the black things struck back. The fighting was intense. They were fighting a fight to end all fights.

"The three-foot black things were all over the room. Whenever another angel swept into the room, they'd pop up and start fighting.

"The army of angels filled the room. I was beyond astonished."

This scene sounded unbelievable to me. Nothing like what I'd been taught as a good little Baptist girl. And I'd not read such a powerful description of spiritual warfare since Frank Peretti's THIS PRESENT DARKNESS hit the bestseller lists.

But its a true story. It really happened. And it is only a small part of the incredible chapter "Motel Warfare Fight: September 16, 1997" in Dudley Perio's new book releasing February 18: LIVING IN GOD'S GLORY: HEARING & RESPONDING TO GOD'S VOICE, as told to Paul & Lynn Crawford (New Sound Media; www.OneInThe

My first questions to Paul & Lynn when they asked me to edit the book were: Is this true? Is it verifiable? Are there witnesses? "Yes, Yes, and Yes" were their responses.

This is only one of the amazing stories of "The Supernatural Experiences of Dudley Perio" -- well known in Texas oil fields for his designs and inventions, as well as for 30 years as an oil rig engineer.

If you are a Christian writer or speaker or trying to do anything significant for God, you will also have times when you feel under attack or in a spiritual warfare battle.

Scripture has already warned us to be on guard: "But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one" (2 Thessalonians 3:3 NLT).

Beneath the surface of the routine of daily life, a fierce struggle among invisible spiritual powers is being waged. Our main defense is prayer that God will protect us from the evil one and that he will strengthen us.

1. Take the threat of spiritual attack seriously.
2. Pray for strength and help from God.
3. Study the Bible to recognize Satan's style and tactics.
4. Memorize Scrpture so it will be a source of help no matter where you are.
5. Associate with those who speak the truth.
6. Practice what you are taught by sound spiritual leaders.
(Life Application Bible Notes)

"Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, agains mighty powers in this dark work, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:10-11 NLT).

Demons are not fantasies, they are very real. We face a powerful army whose goal is to defeat Christ's church.

Although we are assured of victory, we must engage in the struggle until Christ returns, because Satan is constantly battling against all who are on the Lord's side.

We need supernatural power to defeat Satan, and God has provided this by giving us his Holy Spirit within us and his armor surrounding us. (Life Application Bible)

Don't try to do God's work without putting on your armor -- you never know when the attacks will come, but they will come. For further reading about our armor for spiritual warfare, read Ephesians 6:10-19.


  1. Hi Elaine,
    The book sounds like its gonna be an interesting reading. Any idea how we can get it?

  2. thanks Shurthi Joy, just as you wrote this God had impressed on me the importance of getting it printed in India. your note was confirmation. I'm working on it... and hopefully will have good news for you soon. Otherwise i'll bring a suitcase full when i come! elaine
