Marching Orders for WIN Communications and Writers Information Network

Mission Statement: "Help me, O God, to do my best to help other people to accomplish and to achieve, knowing that their contribution is what God is trying to give the world." --from Florence Sims, 1873-1923, who started the YWCA. (Claimed for WIN, November 15, 2004)

Mandate: "Now go and write these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of times as a witness" (Isaiah 30:8 NLT).

Message: "The Lord gives the Word [of power]; the women who hear and publish [the news] are a great host" (Psalm 68:10-11 AMP).

Friday, May 31, 2013

WIN India Praise & Prayer Report, May 2013

1. Calvary Baptist Church (Secunderabad) in largest slum:
Aunty, VBS is going on very well, today we had love feast - fried rice, chicken curry and dal. 250 slum children are attending vbs. We thank God that we could feed rice four days this year. Thank you for all your financial and prayer support. [The immediate need is move Pastor’s family to a different house. Their current underground room is too hot and has many problems for their ailing health; Needs to wire electricity and get water to church basement for a room to be made into an apartment.]
2. House of Gethsemane (Hyderabad) new church for domestic workers in unreached area:
The Lord helped us to sow seeds in thirty children. Thank God for contributions for all the needs of VBS: cool drinks and snacks for children all five days; colorful and useful “Children’s Bible” was given to every child. Parents and church members came on the last day of VBS to hear songs and stories of what happened at VBS. They rejoiced in what their children learned. [Needs $ for pastor’s salary.]
3. Ayusha Nilayam Boys Home (Hyderabad):
Three of the boys were the top of their class in annual exam; and 11 boys were in the top 10 of their class. Twelve children were selected to attend computer and spoken English classes. This sparked a great interest among all the boys. Friends of Ayusha donated the much needed overhead water tanks to meet the severe water scarcity; a fun donation was a table tennis set (ping pong) for the hot summer vacation -- this provided indoor sport entertainment. Many children visited relatives during summer vacation. [Need $ for shoes & uniforms; school fees; and books for 33 boys.]
4. Abundant Life Church (Hyderabad):
I am happy to let you know I have joined Seminary for M.Div studies. I am enjoying the studies. I believe the Lord will equip and use me. We are putting efforts to reach Hindus, who are our neighbors; we are visiting slums and doing prayer walks in this area of 100,000 people. We are doing personal evangelism and focusing on building relationships. We rented a small room where we can conduct church services and prayer meetings. [Needs money for 2 children’s school fee; M.Div fee; new glasses and eye exam; church rent.]
5. Dan Symonds, WIN India Communications Director:
Is loving his time of missionary training at YWAM Awaken DTS (University of the Nations, KONA). Has been selected as Prayer Room Worship Team leader, and asked to lead/sing/play on several Worship Teams for special events; Will be doing 3 month Outreach Program in Fiji. [God has provided majority of his school expenses; still needs money for plane ticket to Fiji.]
6. Aneesh Daniel,  Director at Shepherd Films (Hyderabad):
Excited about two big wins at film festivals; now believing the time is right to come to USA to attend the filmmakers ICVM conference in St. Louis, just prior to the CBA Convention; as well as meet possible investors and donors for missions film production that needs to shoot in Nov, Dec, Jan. [Need: Speaking engagements to your church or group  in St. Louis, Chicago, Toronto, Dallas, Sacramento and San Jose, California areas. Needs sponsors and help with plane tickets, motel, travel in USA.]

Thanks so much for your prayers and support for the needs and work in India.                   
Elaine Wright Colvin

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