Marching Orders for WIN Communications and Writers Information Network

Mission Statement: "Help me, O God, to do my best to help other people to accomplish and to achieve, knowing that their contribution is what God is trying to give the world." --from Florence Sims, 1873-1923, who started the YWCA. (Claimed for WIN, November 15, 2004)

Mandate: "Now go and write these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of times as a witness" (Isaiah 30:8 NLT).

Message: "The Lord gives the Word [of power]; the women who hear and publish [the news] are a great host" (Psalm 68:10-11 AMP).

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Beginning A New Journey

"No one walks our journey for us and no one else's pace is appropriate for us. It is our journey. We walk through life as unique persons created by God." --Walter C. Wright (Mentoring)

When we're still and hear the voice calling us to take on new challenges, it can be very unsettling. It may cause us to struggle knowing that we'll have to face the pain of letting go of old friends, places, and things in order to embrace the new calling.

What it boils down to is a matter of trust. Do we trust a Sovereign God enough to believe he always has our best interests in mind? Do we believe he has a perfect plan for our life? Do we really understand that in the center of his perfect will for us is the only place we'll find lasting peace and joy?

And it is this joy which comes from God that gives us the strength to do whatever he ask, to go wherever he calls, to endure and embrace whatever comes our way.

As we go out on our new journey with the joy of the Lord, we will be able to affirm to others: "Surely he has done great things! Do not be afraid ... be glad and rejoice" (Joel 2:21 TNIV).

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