Marching Orders for WIN Communications and Writers Information Network

Mission Statement: "Help me, O God, to do my best to help other people to accomplish and to achieve, knowing that their contribution is what God is trying to give the world." --from Florence Sims, 1873-1923, who started the YWCA. (Claimed for WIN, November 15, 2004)

Mandate: "Now go and write these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the end of times as a witness" (Isaiah 30:8 NLT).

Message: "The Lord gives the Word [of power]; the women who hear and publish [the news] are a great host" (Psalm 68:10-11 AMP).

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Being In The Place To Find New Direction

"We cannot become what we need to be by remaining where we are." -- Max DePree (Leadership Is An Art)

Where can we go that we will not hear the old and familiar call to do more, to give more, to be more? Where can we hear God's voice and know what he thinks about our life's direction, priorities, and endless activities?

Where can we go that we will be able to hear what our heart is saying? What are the heart changes God is bringing into your life--into my life?

Learning to listen carefully to the inner movements of the spirit and struggling with the question: How do I follow Jesus all the way? -- is a prerequisite to change.

"This is the struggle to hear what we may not wish to hear. It is groping toward an openness that may cause our life to be turned around. Yet hear new things we must! For we cannnot simply continue to plunge headlong into the incessant round of activities that are no longer part of God's direction for our lives and that no longer express our creativity and our central concerns," says Charles Ringma (Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen).

I believe we can all hear God speak, we can be aware of his still small voice, and we can recognize Holy Spirit nudges. He is more anxious for us to know his will for our lives than we are ready to listen. He is more anxious for us to understand our gifts, calling, and place than we are to change, leave our nets, and follow him.

In that day when we hear "the call to the new" may we answer with the words of Samuel, "Speak, for your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:9 TNIV).

God is not looking for us in a certain place, position, or posture to receive guidance and direction. But he is looking for hearts that long to hear his voice and are truly open when he bids us to "come and do my will." And often we will hear that "still small voice" when we least deserve or expect it. It is God's surprise confirming that he is here for us when we so urgently need him.

"...and he will tell you what is yet to come" (John 16:13 TNIV).

1 comment:

  1. Good words, Elaine. What you're describing requires an emptying out of the clamor inside, and coming to Him willing to say, "Without You, I am nothing." In that place of quiet, where we've refused the solutions and ideas that always want to flood our brains, we can better hear His plans.
    Maybe a key is becoming convinced again that God is good, and that He will not lead us in a direction that He hasn't already been preparing for us and in us. We will recognize it when it comes, and see His hand on everything we learned, experienced, or realized.
